Entering the Heavenly Realms

Online Event

Entering the Heavenly Realms - LIVE class on July 8th @ 7pm EST.

Jesus made a way for us to enter the heavenly realms and be in the embrace of our Heavenly Father and encounter all the angelic beings.

In the class, you will learn: 

1- Why believers are called to enter into the heavenly realms 

2- What to expect when you enter? 

3- How  to enter the heavenly realms, and the different stages involved 

4- What are the beliefs and ideas which hinder believers to enter 

5- How to live out of this realm

6- There will be an impartation at the end 

One time

Hear from Past Students

  • Elizabeth

    I had the privilege of being part of your Zoom class of Entering the Heavenly realms, thank you both for your faithfulness to Our Lord Jesus. The experience has opened an area in my life that I had no idea even existed to us as believers 🙏. Our God is so much bigger than the Body of Christ even knows! God Bless you and your family, Thank You.

  • Joy

    Mina & Yvon, thank you so much for hosting the heavenly realms class last night. When I first arrived, the Throne of God was just on my left, It seemed to be a rectangle. The steps were an iridescent gold color. I couldn’t see God, because the light that was shining was as if I was looking directly into the sun, blinding! Just then, I encountered Jesus who took my hand. He was wearing a white robe with a red sash, would love to know what the red sash meant. He just pulled me close to his side and hugged me and then we started to play like children, in fact, I believe I was a young girl. We were going in circles and laughing, then we fell down on the grass but it cushioned me more than pillows. He then took His hand & splashed me from the River of Life. He then took me by the arm, and we started flying all over heaven, it was awesome! i’ve never had an experience like this before, thank you so much for helping me get there!

  • Carol

    A bonus to the Inner Healing Class was the Heavenly Realms Zoom call. It was incredible. MIna and Yvon again poured into us and led us into a supernatural experience with the Holy Spirit, with Jesus and the heavenly realms. I had never had an experience like it before! I saw Jesus in a white robe standing on the edge of a field with the sun behind him--he was beautiful. I began to see blue sapphires and then heard Yvon begin to speak of blue sapphires!!! I smelled the sweet aroma of caramel. There was such a peace in my spirit. It was such a wonderful experience and left me wanting more!

    When I received the Zoom recording 2 days later, I put my ear buds in and listened while I was working. I closed my eyes and had another encounter with Jesus!! This time I was a little girl about three years old and I was running toward Jesus, he was smiling and laughing and scooped me up in his arms!! Incredible. I never wanted to leave.

    Later that same day / evening I was in worship and asked Holy Spirit to speak to me words of encouragement or instruction --whatever he wanted to say. I began to pray and opened the book of Isaiah to Chapter 54. My eyes fell on verse 11 which says "I am ready to rebuild you with precious stones and your intimacy with me will be built on a foundation of sapphires" Holy Spirit spoke to me in an incredible way. Weeping with joy ensued!

  • Karla

    Mina and Yvon I cannot wait to share this testimony with you! In the class last night I shared my vision. You heard a lot if testimonies last night so I don’t expect you remember but I was at the gates, they opened and on the other side were my grandparents. Mina, you asked me what the significance might be to seeing my grandparents if I knew any reason why The Lord would show me that. I didn’t know. I asked God in my quiet time this morning why I saw them but didn’t really feel anything as far as an answer. So I just said “ok God you’ll tell me when I need to know and also you’ll tell me if and when I should share this with my mom (it was her parents).

    So tonight, literally tonight, one night after my vision my mom and I are having a lovely conversation on the couch (she’s a believer and we can talk pretty deep) we begin talking about our testimonies that led us to Christ. Mine involves being bedside with my grandpa when he died all the way back in 1999. My mom said “I’ve been meaning to ask you about this.” And she proceeded to ask questions that all led to her wanting to know about his salvation. Like did I have any assurance he was in heaven? WHAT?!?! I cried as I shared my vision with her and we just marveled at God and His timing. So amazing!!

    Thank you both for your teaching and classes. Bless you, bless you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and answering Gods call to teach others about encountering the heavenly realms.


Program Description

Encountering the heavenly realms is one of the most joyful encounters a believer can experience. Jesus made a way for us to enter the heavenly realms and be in the embrace of our Heavenly Father and encounter all the angelic beings. Unfortunately, many believers do not enter, because they think that heaven is a place you you enter after you die. The scripture teaches otherwise. God is inviting us into the heavenly realms, and it is the desire of His heart for us to enter and enjoy His presence. 

Classroom Structure

This class is an LIVE online event via zoom.


Where do I log in for my class?

You will receive confirmation of your class via email. Use the link provided in the email to set up your account. After that, you can use “Student Login” to sign in to your class.

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First, please check your spam/junk folder for the email. Please add info@celebratefreedomministries.org to your safe sender list in your email.

Refund/exchange policy

Due to the digital nature of this course, there are no refunds or exchanges. Please review our medical and educational disclaimers.